Saturday, December 25, 2010

Its Christmas time

Its Christmas time, and whilst in the past I have baked short bread, cookies and gingerbread men, this year, I didnt have the passion, but after a 2 hour cupcake class with Irene (an older lady that is as cute as a button) and my friend Leanda we decided on cupcakes.

Christmas Character Cupcakes

So I set off the week prior on practicing a few great recipes for butter-cream icing, the pre made stuff isn't the same, it lacks flavor! As much as those shop assistants try and convince me.....I dont easy it is,.....I like the real stuff

Trolling through my cookbook collection I remembered that a few years ago whilst on my honeymoon to New York, we stopped by to have magnolia bakery cupcakes and ended up searching Barnes and Noble and Borders for the magnolia cookbook. It took me about 3 different stores but we finally found it. Well the icing was a success more than I can say about my first attempt which I inserted caster instead on icing sugar. Lets just say american cook books may as well be written in chinese sometimes.

Cupcake with vanilla butter-cream

Christmas Cupcakes in my cupcake courier

So after a long christmas day visiting 3 different houses, the cupcakes were a HIT. Parents love the mini size for there kids, however I also made that standard ones as a special request for my hubby.  I was thrilled that all of them disappeared, thats over 50 cupcakes!